Born 1961 in Bad Toelz in Germany Frank Krahmer studied IT technologies and worked as professional  software developer until 2005, before he made his hobby  nature photography to profession.

Insired by the work of photographers as Art Wolfe and Frans Lanting he oriented more and more to artistic driven photography : painting with light. After mainly working on wildlife he moved more to landscapes from the millenium on.
Today Frank Krahmer  travels to all continents regularly to catch dramatic light scenes on wild landscapes – from Arctic to Antarctica and from the Sahara to the Australian deserts.

His work is mainly marketed by the most important worldwide operating stock agencies and regularly published in calendars.
Some of his images were awarded in BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Agfa Wildlife Award and GDT.
Frank Krahmer was chosen photographer of the biggest nature photography project Wild Wonders of Europe.

All images are produced with professional Canon equipment (EOS 1Ds and 5D cameras and  EF-L- and Zeiss lenses) and edited professionally with Photoshop  (including softproofing).

Frank Krahmer's work is highly respected because of his creative style and his vital colors.

Nowadays Frank is one of the most successful calendar photographers in Germany.



North America Canada, USA, Mexico
South- and Central America Guatemala, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile
Africa Algeria, Libya, Oman, Ethiopia, Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Madagascar, Seychelles
Australia and Oceania Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, French Polynesia, Cook Islands
Europe Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Slowenia, Croatia, Greece, Turkey
Asia China, India, Indonesia, Maledives
Antarctica, Arctica Antarctica, South Georgia, Falklands, South Sandwich Islands, South Orkney Islands, South Shetland Islands
Greenland, Svalbard

Camp in Oman

With Mathias in Australia

Bisti Badlands

View into Nyiragongo

Glowing oven Nyiragongo 

Over the Nyiragongo 

Camp in Libya

Tuareg-Crew in Libya

On icebreaker in Svalbard
View into Erta Ale
Wild Wonders of Europe
opening in The Hague

On Rakata before a snake fell on me

Cat hunt in the Serengeti

IIn the Algerian Sahara

Windblown in Namibia

Preparation for the bear tour
Kodiak Island

Swan photography
from the water's edge

Friendly Photo-Kangaroo

Icebergs in Greenland

BBC Advertisings London 1995

Safari in Tanzania

What a banana effects ... ... Curious Sifaka / Madagascar

Rarely animals are too close for photographing.
Crane in Serengeti
Franks most faithful companion
follows him like his shadow ...

Waiting for grizzlies in Alaska ...

Canoe drive in Madagascar

Frank Krahmer - Premium Nature Photography
Bahnhofstr. 13 F, 82024 Taufkirchen, Germany

Tel. (+49)  (89)  612 29 74
Fax (+49 ) (89)  612 092 43
Tax# 313 / 18488
VAT# DE 129831861


All images on this website are property of Frank Krahmer and are copyrighted.
No publication or copy allowed without written authorization.